Information required from NATiS database

Legal procedure to the issuing/confirming of information contained in  the NATiS database.

Regulation according to National Road Traffic Act 93 of 1996.  Ammendment : May 2006

Under no circumstances may a NATiS generated printout  be given to any  applicant.

Information may be issued to Law Firms and Insurances companies or the  representatives at a cost of R22   as legislated in the WC Prov Gazette.

An affidavit stating the background of the issue and valid reason for  requiring the vehicle and owner details of the vehicle involved.

Application must be made on the official letter head of the Law firm  or Insurance company concerned.

In the event of a private individual representing, the Law  firm/Insurance co. must give an accompanying letter of permission.

A copy of the SAPS accident register containing the reference number  (MAS number) must be submitted, as these cases normally relate to  insurance claim in the case of accident or hit and run incident.

Certified copies of acceptable identification of the applicant and the  representative must accompany the application.

Due to the nature of the investigations and the information required,  as well as the legal implications regarding these processes, the Law  firms and insurance companies may be issued with a NATiS printout.

In summary the information contained in the NATiS database may only be  confirmed/issued as follows:

Private individual  –  confirm submitted information   –  R22
Motor dealer        –  confirm submitted information   –  R22
Law firms           –  Issue information               –  R22
Insurance companies –  Issue information               –  R22

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